Being efficient is important to every business, but how to become more efficient isn’t always obvious.
This is where Fence Cloud becomes extremely valuable for a fence company. Fence Cloud covers two major categories of software: fence estimating and CRM (customer relationship management). Both of which can be optimized to save staff valuable time and energy.
Fence Cloud streamlines tasks that are critical to a fence company’s success such as accurate estimating and project management. It can also automate monotonous work that doesn’t add value to our customer interaction, including document creation and file saving.
Below is a checklist of advanced Fence Cloud features and options that will help increase your company’s efficiency. This checklist goes above and beyond the many time-saving options that are already built into Fence Cloud’s workflow.
Fence Estimating Features
checkMenu Customization:
After decades of assisting CFS customers with estimating, we concluded that customizing menus should be easier. Fence Cloud allows administrators to customize supplier options in bulk while estimating. If you want to hide a material option from your team, simply click on the Edit drop-down menu for that item and then select “Edit Groups”. From here you can quickly exclude or include groups of items from the estimating menus. This reduces unnecessary materials from your estimating engine and streamlines the estimating process.
checkPowerful Templates:
Estimating in Fence Cloud is fast, but estimating with Fence Cloud templates is even faster! Create new templates on the fly by using the “Save as New Material Template” option in the Materials area. Templates can include the materials for the line of fence and multiple types of gates. This way you can use one template to quickly estimate site plans within seconds.
checkDuplicating Estimates:
Quickly create alternate estimates for a customer by duplicating the original estimate. If you have uploaded files to an estimate, or created the site plan, you can save a lot of time creating a second estimate by simply duplicating the first estimate and then modifying the material selection as need. In this way you can quickly create multiple versions of an estimate within minutes. This is especially beneficial if you have already uploaded photos of the property or customized your job sketch.
checkSuper Estimating Engines:
In Fence Cloud, multiple manufacturers can be combined into one estimating engine to create “super estimating engines”. This allows you to complement a fence supplier with a third-party hardware company. Or it can enable you to choose between two suppliers for the same item, because sometimes we just need more options.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
checkContact Form Integration:
For residential fencing departments, leads can be automatically imported from your website through a contact form and then seamlessly moved into the estimating process. Setting up the contact form integration. From the Admin Dashboard, open System Settings and then Embed Manager. Here you’ll find a customizable contact form that you can add to your website.
checkGeoDraw Integration:
If your company uses GeoDraw for lead generation and qualification, those leads can also be automatically imported into Fence Cloud. All of the lead’s information will populate in the system, and a link to their project can be found within the lead’s activity log.
checkCompany Wide Communication:
From the Admin Dashboard, quickly send an announcement to the entire team via the Fence Cloud Banner Message. This banner will appear on the dashboard of every Fence Cloud user in your company until you clear the message. This allows you to quickly deliver important information or reminders with little effort.
checkCalendar iCal Syncing Feature:
If you already have a calendar that you love and it’s set up to send you notifications, consider using the Fence Cloud iCal feature to sync your Fence Cloud calendar with your favorite calendar. This way you can continue to use the calendar that you’re used while also taking advantage of event scheduling in Fence Cloud.